Architecture schema

CiscoXMLservices architecture schema

Initial setup

As first step our VMWare virtual machine need to be imported on the customer infrastructure, it was created with Vmware server ver. 2.0.2 so in case of VSphere or Infrastructure machine need to be converted to works well.

CXS server is based on a Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS with Apache2, PHP and MySQL so isn't difficoult to migrate services on other existing server. We offer all on a virtual machine for simplicity and for not support issue on other servers/os.

At first boot server come up with IP and gateway, default login is root with password cxs.

With cxsetup script in /usr/bin/ user can change IP, domain or reset the database to factory default.


root@cxs:~# cxsetup
Choose one of the following:
    1) Set IP address
    2) Set domain
    3) Reset database
    0) Exit

Enter your choose:


Enter your choose: 1

Enter the IP address      (
Enter the netmask         (
Enter the default gateway (
Enter the DNS address     (

== REVIEW ==
DNS        :
Are the information correct? (y/n)


Enter your choose: 2
Enter your root domain (ex. cxs.local):
I will create:


        * if you use your own DNS server set this records
Apply now the changes? (y/n)


DNS entry

Our services use a lot of dns entry, CXS was created to works online in SAAS mode so the same web/xml pages can response differently if the request come from different subdomain.

We also use three subdomain for phones services because they have some limitations in GET vars and url lenght.

Subdomain needed are:

  • company.*
  • directory.*
  • idle.*
  • phone.*
  • enduser.*
  • lookup.*
  • reseller.* (opz)
  • administrator.* (opz)

On CXS server is installed a DNS service (dnsmasq) configurable with cxsetup script, user can use this local dns server for phones and PCs or they own dns if correctly configured.


First login

When all is configured is possible to login into the backoffice web interface and customizing the services as user necessity.

For access in the web interface point your browser at http://company.$your_domain/ (replace $your_domain with your domain or use cxs.local as default)

Default login is cxs with password cxs

Phone url will be:

Directory: http://directory.$domain/cxs/cxs/

Service: http://phone.$domain/cxs/cxs/

Idle: http://idle.$domain/cxs/cxs/